Domain Management is an activity of Domain Engineering for managing business-area resources to increase opportunities for cost-effective reuse of previously developed assets. Domain Management plans, assigns resources, and directs Domain Engineering to serve the needs of a targeted application engineering project.
Domain Engineering develops and evolves a domain through a series of increments. The Domain Plan lays out both a master plan for evolution through projected increments (evolution plan) and, as each increment is initiated, a detailed plan for each increment (increment plan). The evolution plan identifies the systems that provide the basis for a domain (i.e., the source of raw material) and the application engineering projects that are targeted for support. An increment plan determines how domain engineering resources are applied to create reusable assets that can be exploited effectively in the targeted application engineering project.
Domain Management monitors domain engineering performance to assess progress, ensure proper adherence to plans, and guide needed revisions to the evolution and increment plans based on feedback from Application Engineering use of domain assets. A key concern of Domain Management is coordinating Domain Engineering activities to support the needs and priorities of targeted application engineering projects in satisfying customers' needs. Domain Management attempts to ensure effective use of allocated resources by coordinating its planning to match the needs of a targeted application engineering project.
The objective of Domain Management is to manage business-area resources to create cost-effective reuse opportunities for a targeted application engineering project. Management establishes domain objectives for the organization to guide the creation and revision of an increment plan for a series of domain increments. An increment begins when a project is first targeted for support or when the needs or status of the targeted project changes significantly.
For each increment of development, Domain Management develops a plan to deliver capabilities that match the needs of targeted application engineering projects. Application engineering projects are planned independently, but with an awareness of domain capabilities, to meet particular customer needs.
The Domain Management Activity requires the following information:
The Domain Management Activity requires domain and business-area knowledge and experience in:
Both the Domain Evolution Plan and the Domain Increment Plans include the following:
The Domain Management Activity consists of three steps as shown in Figure DE.1-1 Domain Management Process.
The Domain Evolution step begins upon creation of a domain and continues until the domain is no longer judged to be viable in serving the needs of an application project within the business area. The Domain Evolution Plan prescribes a series of Domain Development increments. Each increment is planned and performed iteratively until its objectives in the Domain Evolution Plan are met. The Domain Evolution Plan is subject to revision after the completion of each increment to reflect progress or changing needs of targeted application engineering projects and their customers. The step to Institute Practices and Procedures occurs before the initiation of the first increment of Domain Development and is revisited as needed to update the Practices and Procedures to ensure an effective and efficient approach to Domain Engineering.
The plan is iterated whenever a targeted project is initiated, terminated, or has a significant change in its own plan. Plan iteration requires you to reconsider the scope and focus of support you are providing to projects.
Follow these steps for the Domain Management Activity.
Step: Domain Evolution
Step: Institute Practices and
Step: Domain Development
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