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DE. Generation Design

Getting Started

The Generation Design Activity is an activity of the Product Design Activity for creating a Generation Design. A Generation Design is a specification of production procedures that an application engineer uses to produce draft application engineering work products. A Generation Design defines a transformation (or mapping) from an Application Model to the equivalent application engineering work products. For each application engineering work product, a Generation Design specifies how to select and adapt Adaptable Components according to decisions in an Application Model and to compose them according to the internal organization of that work product in the Product Architecture. The Generation Design Activity is performed for each work product specified by the Product Requirements.


The objective of the Generation Design Activity is to produce a specification for the production procedures that can be used to produce application engineering work products for a member of a work product family through reuse of Adaptable Components. The specification establishes a correspondence between an Application Model and equivalent domain engineering work products that implement the intent of the model correctly.

Required Information

The Generation Design Activity requires the following information:

Required Knowledge and Experience

The Generation Design Activity requires domain and software knowledge and experience in:


Generation Design
A Generation Design is a specification for a production procedure for creating draft application engineering work products.
A Generation Design relates the decisions from the Decision Model to the elements of a work product's internal organization defined in the Product Architecture. A Generation Design consists of three mappings:
  • Architecture Mapping. The Architecture Mapping is a description of the relation between decisions in the work product family's Decision Model and the decisions of the corresponding adaptable Product Architecture. This mapping describes how values for the Product Architecture's decisions are determined from values of decisions in the Decision Model. As a result, the Architecture Mapping defines the internal organization of a work product that describes a member of the work product family based on decisions in the Decision Model (i.e., from an Application Model).
  • Component Mapping. A Component Mapping is a description of the relation of each element of the organizational structure to an Adaptable Component that implements that element. This mapping defines how each component of a work product is to be produced.
  • Decision Mapping. A Decision Mapping is a description of the relation between decisions in the work product family's Decision Model and the instantiation parameters in the adaptation specification of a Component Design for each work product component. This relation describes how values for the instantiation parameters are determined from values of decisions in the work product family's Decision Model.
Form and Structure:
There is a Generation Design for each supported work product. The Architecture Mapping is represented as a statement for each instantiation parameter of the work product's Product Architecture. The statement contains a pairing between an instantiation parameter and an expression. The expression to determine the value to assign an instantiation parameter is described in terms of decisions in the work product family's Decision Model. The expression may involve iteration over a group of decisions or conditional testing of one or more decisions.

The Decision Mapping representation is similar to the Architecture Mapping, except that the instantiation parameters come from the adaptation specification of the Component Design for the work product.

The Component Mapping is represented as a "use" statement. If the expression bracketing the use statement is True, then the use statement describes which Adaptable Component contains the needed implementation. The expression is usually described in terms of decisions in the work product family's Decision Model. However, if the Adaptable Component is always used, then an expression of True is sufficient to describe this situation.

Example DE. illustrates a fragment of a Generation Design for a work product family of the TLC domain. It depicts one way of representing the expressions discussed for Architecture, Component, and Decision Mapping. The decisions used the metaprogramming notation come directly from the Decision Model shown in Example DE.2.2.1-1. The parameters on the lefthand side of the "=" statements in the Architecture and Decision Mapping come from Examples DE. and DE.,

Architecture Mapping ARCH_pedestrian_lanes = and S.Pedestrian_Lane.Push_Button_Mechanism = no then> yes no ARCH_pedestrian_lanes_pb = yes no .... Component Mapping Required topic: Pedestrian_Lanes_With_Push_Buttons use component "Pedestrian lanes with Push Buttons (TLC-PL-PB-1)" use component "Pedestrian lanes with Push Buttons (TLC-PL-PB-2)" .... Decision Mapping Pedestrian lanes with Push Buttons (TLC-PL-PB-1) COMP_interface = TL-A TL-B .... .... Example DE. Fragment of TLC Generation Design for the System/Segment Specification Work Product Family

Verification Criteria:
  • The Generation Design specifies mappings that will produce application work products which exhibit the internal organization specified in the Product Architecture.
  • The Generation Design specifies mappings that produce application work products which satisfy the Product Requirements (i.e., the mappings are consistent with Product Requirements variation).
  • All variabilities allowed by decisions are properly represented as product variations.
  • The effects of variabilities among work products are mutually consistent (i.e., all mappings are consistent).


The Generation Design Activity consists of two steps shown in Figure DE. Generation Design Process.


Step: Define Work Product Structure

Define how decisions in the Decision Model affect the structure of the work product.
  • Decision Model
  • Product Architecture
Generation Design: Architecture and Component Mappings
  • It is sufficient to define the work product structure as a mapping from the Decision Model to the internal organization of the Product Architecture for the work product. The internal organization defines the components that are required to implement the work product. This mapping determines which elements of the Product Architecture are implemented for a particular Application Model.
  • The Product Architecture determines (conditionally and iteratively) how components of each work product are to be derived from Adaptable Components (i.e., the component mapping is provided implicitly by the Product Architecture). The Generation Design should not modify that mapping.
  • Represent this mapping in metaprogramming notation associated with components in the Product Architecture. The mapping is defined in terms of decisions in the Decision Model and determines whether (one or more of) the associated component(s) should be included in the product created for a given Application Model. This mapping is formed by analyzing the Product Architecture and noting conditions that must be true if a particular component is to be included. If a component is always included in the product, metaprogramming notation is not required.
  • Several Adaptable Components might be used to implement a single Product Architecture component, depending on decisions in the Application Model. In this case, use a conditional in the Component Mapping to qualify the association between the Product Architecture and Adaptable Components, thus indicating when a particular Adaptable Component is used.

Step: Define Component Adaptation

Define a mapping from the decisions in the Decision Model to adaptations of the Adaptable Components referenced by the Component Mapping.
  • Decision Model
  • Component Design
  • Generation Design: Component Mapping
Generation Design: Decision Mapping
When a particular Component Design is to be used to implement a particular component in the Product Architecture, the variability of the Adaptable Component (i.e., its parameterization) must be realized in terms of decisions from the Decision Model. Define the value of each parameter (by name) as a derivation from Decision Model decisions.

Risk Management

The Generation Design will not produce correctly-structured work products.
Application Production will not produce acceptable application engineering work products.
Derive work product structures from the Generation Design for Application Models of familiar work products and review the result with experienced engineers to determine whether the result is acceptable.


Feedback to Information Sources

The Decision Model is incomplete, ambiguous, or inconsistent.
Decision Model Activity
Describe the inadequacies in the Decision Model. Proceed with Product Architecture and document any assumptions made regarding the inadequate portions of the Decision Model.

The Product Requirements for a work product family are incomplete, ambiguous, or inconsistent.
Product Requirements Activity
Describe the inadequacies in the Product Requirements. Proceed with Generation Design, and document any assumptions made regarding the inadequate portions of the Product Requirements.

The Domain Plan cannot be satisfied with available technical capabilities.
Domain Management Activity
Propose (alternative) revisions to the Domain Plan that better match available capabilities. Complete a Generation Design that satisfies the Domain Plan as closely as possible.

The practices and procedures specified in the Domain Plan are either ineffective or inefficient.
Domain Management Activity
Describe the ways in which the practices and procedures are either ineffective or inefficient. Propose revisions to the practices and procedures to make them more effective.

The Product Architecture for a work product family is incomplete, ambiguous, or inconsistent.
Product Architecture Activity
Describe the inadequacies in the Product Architecture. Proceed with Generation Design, and document any assumptions made regarding the inadequate portions of the Product Architecture.

The Component Design for a work product family is incomplete, ambiguous, or inconsistent.
Component Design Activity
Describe the inadequacies in the Component Design. Proceed with Generation Design, and document any assumptions made regarding the inadequate portions of the Component Design.

Feedback From Product Consumers

The Generation Design for a work product family does not satisfy the Product Requirements.
Domain Verification Activity
Modify the Generation Design to be consistent with the Product Requirements.

The Generation Design for a work product family is incomplete, ambiguous, or inconsistent.
Generation Implementation Activity
Refine the Generation Design to correct inadequacies.