The original adaptation from hardcopy form into html form was performed, in 1996, by James E. King for the Boeing Company's Reuse-Driven Development Environment (RDE) Product Line Project, which was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) STARS program. Prosperity Heights Software further modified the form of these pages in 2001.
The hardcopy RSP guidebook was created at the Software Productivity Consortium through three iteratively enhanced releases in 1991, 1992, and 1993, as described following.
Reuse-driven Software Processes Guidebook (SPC-92019-CMC, Version 02.00.03), Herndon, VA, November 1993
Rich McCabe was the project manager for this guidebook. Grady Campbell was the principal architect of the Synthesis methodology and this guidebook. Neil Burkhard was the lead author for this release, which is an extension of the 1992 Domain Engineering guidebook. Steve Wartik, Jim O'Connor, Joe Valent, and Jeff Facemire were major contributors in writing and refining this or previous versions.
The Consortium wishes to thank the participants in the Rockwell pilot project for helping to refine the ideas of Synthesis. Significant improvements have also come from interactions with the participants of the Boeing STARS pilot project and attendees of Synthesis seminars.
The work of Roger Williams and Ted Davis on the Reuse Adoption Process and Reuse Capability Model provided key insights on the context for reuse-driven software processes and how to characterize a family of processes. Special thanks to Kirsten Blakemore, Bob Hofkin, and Patricia Remacle for help in creating common definitions for shared Evolutionary Spiral Process and Reuse-driven Software Processes terminology.
In addition, Kirsten Blakemore, Steve Wartik, and Gary Moore provided insightful reviews and helped to improve many aspects of this release of the guidebook. The Environment and Support Services group of the Software Productivity Consortium provided superb help in producing the document.
Domain Engineering Guidebook (SPC-92019-CMC, Version 01.00.03), Herndon, VA, November 1992
Steve Wartik was the lead author for this release. Contributors to the previous version all contributed to this version as well.
Synthesis Guidebook (SPC-91122-MC, Version 01.00.02), Herndon, VA, November 1991
Grady Campbell, Jim O'Connor, and Neil Burkhard were the primary authors of this guidebook. Jeff Facemire and Rich McCabe wrote, reviewed, or otherwise made major contributions to particular sections.
Roger Williams, Stuart Faulk, and Wil Spencer served as primary reviewers and helped to improve many aspects of the guidebook. Mike Cochran, Charlotte Winnick of United Technologies, Tim Longenecker of Boeing, Steve Wartik, and Dave Weiss also provided valuable comments.
Thanks are also due to Judd Neale and Art Pyster for establishing the Synthesis program under which this work was performed.