Domain Definition is an activity of Domain Analysis for creating a Domain Definition. A Domain Definition is an informal description of the systems in the business area that form a domain. A Domain Definition characterizes how systems in the domain are similar and how they differ.
The objectives of the Domain Definition Activity are to:
The Domain Definition Activity requires the Domain Plan.
The Domain Definition should be developed by people with a variety of backgrounds in the business area under study, including engineering, business, and management experience. Specific expertise is needed for:
The Domain Definition does not answer detailed questions of scope, but clearly includes and excludes broad classes of systems. Assumptions of commonality and exclusion identify the common features of systems in the domain, thereby establishing a family. Assumptions of variability identify how systems in the family are distinguished from one another. Justification provides a basis for judging technical and economic feasibility and market potential of the domain to evaluate whether there is sufficient confidence in the viability of developing the business area as a domain.
Assumptions may also be elaborated with associated, subordinate assumptions. For example, a commonality assumption may have specific variabilities associated with it. Similarly, a particular resolution of a variability assumption can be thought of as characterizing a subfamily of the product family. The subfamily then may have additional, more specific commonalities and variabilities that further distinguish the members of the subfamily.
The Domain Status describes evaluations that establish whether the domain, as defined, will be economically and technologically viable. Qualitative and quantitative criteria assess whether current development and future evolution of the domain will support the organization's business objectives.
At a minimum, the Domain Status must include:
Depending on the size of the potential business area and the attendant commitment to the domain, however, you may need a more detailed Domain Status consisting of some or all of the following:
The Domain Definition Activity consists of the five steps shown in Figure DE.2.1-1. Domain Definition Process.
Follow these steps for the Domain Definition Activity.
Step: Define Domain Informally
Step: Establish Standard
Step: Establish Domain Assumptions
Step: Assess Domain Status
Determine Marketability
Step: Identify Legacy Products
Determine Implementability and
Risk Management
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