Synthesis Leveraged Domain Engineering
Domain Analysis is an activity of Domain Engineering for studying and
formalizing a business area as a domain. The purpose of formalizing a domain
is to standardize and leverage knowledge of how recurring and varying
customer requirements affect the form and content of a product.
The scope of a domain is a business
decision based on
evaluations of available expertise and potential business opportunities.
Domain Analysis specifies a standardized Application Engineering process and
product family
and verifies that a corresponding Domain Implementation meets that
The objectives of Domain Analysis are to:
Determine scope
and to evaluate the economic viability of a domain
Establish, manage, and evolve a repository of
domain knowledge
an Application Engineering process and
product family
appropriate to the domain
Domain Analysis requires the following information:
Business area knowledge
Domain Plan: Domain Objectives
Domain Implementation
Domain Analysis requires domain and software knowledge and experience in:
The needs that motivate systems in the domain
The environments in which these systems operate
How these systems are built
Domain Analysis creates two work products: Domain Definition and Domain
- Purpose:
A Domain Definition (see
Section DE.2.1)
is an informal description of the systems
in a business area that form a domain. A Domain Definition characterizes how
existing systems,
systems being developed in ongoing projects in the domain, and potential future
are similar and how they differ.
- Verification Criteria:
The Domain Definition captures sufficient information to allow domain engineers
to describe accurately any existing or potential system.
- Purpose:
A Domain Specification (see
Section DE.2.2)
precisely characterizes
family for the
and an Application Engineering process for constructing members of
that family.
- Verification Criteria:
The Domain Specification precisely expresses the domain as captured in the
Domain Definition.
The Domain Analysis Activity consists of the three steps shown in
Figure DE.2-1 Domain Analysis Process.
Follow these steps for the Domain Analysis Activity.
Domain Definition
- Action:
Characterize the domain to satisfy domain objectives
Section DE.2.1).
- Input:
Domain Plan
- Result:
Domain Definition
- Heuristics:
Characterize the domain by defining its scope (i.e., classes of systems,
characteristics, or functions included and excluded from the domain) and how
included systems are distinguished from one another. These definitions are a
basis for judging the qualitative and economic characteristics of the domain to
determine whether the domain as defined will be economically viable.
Consider how
a product for a
similar and distinguishable from
a product for
existing systems.
Use this definition as a basis for judging the qualitative and economic
characteristics of the domain to determine whether the domain, as defined, will
be economically viable.
If analysis of the Domain Definition fails a test of economic viability,
reevaluate the scope of the domain in terms of domain objectives.
Domain Specification
- Action:
Specify Application Engineering Process Support (see
Section DE.2.2).
- Input:
Domain Definition
- Result:
Domain Specification
- Heuristics:
Create a standard Application Engineering process for the domain. Ensure that
all needs of projects are flexibly supported.
Design an Application Modeling Notation for communication of system
requirements and constraints among customers and application engineers.
the decisions that an application engineer must make to describe fully the
variations in a system.
This notation must
accommodate aspects appropriate for the work product family (such as functional
[e.g., behavioral] and nonfunctional aspects [e.g., size, timing, fault
tolerance, hardware architecture, hardware/software configuration]) so that the
application engineer can adequately express
customer requirements. This notation should be based on existing (formal or
informal) notations used by domain experts.
Ensure that the Application Modeling Notation is precise enough to be used as a
source for mapping into exact system solutions. Create standardized
requirements for the domain. This description must establish both the common
and variable aspects of the behavior and constraints of product family
members. An unambiguous specification of requirements is needed so that domain
implementors can determine what impact a decision has on a system. This also
provides a basis for explaining the notation to application engineers.
Create a
standardized design
for the
The design
must satisfy both the common and variable aspects of the
product family.
A standardized design includes both design structures that define various views
of the
product structure and components from which a
product is constructed
satisfy customer requirements.
Domain Verification
- Action:
Verify the correctness, consistency, and completeness of domain engineering
work products (see
Section DE.2.3 for motivation).
- Input:
Domain Definition
Domain Specification
Domain Implementation
- Result:
- Heuristics:
Verify the consistency and completeness of the Domain Definition.
Verify that the representation of the Application Engineering process in the
Domain Specification is consistent and complete with respect to its
representation in the Domain Definition.
Verify that the representation of the application engineering product in the
Domain Specification is consistent and complete with respect to its
representation in the Domain Definition.
Verify that the Product Implementation is consistent and complete with respect
to the Domain Specification.
Verify that the representation of the Application Engineering process in the
Process Support is consistent and complete with respect to its representation
in the Domain Specification.
- Risk:
The cost of an increment of Domain Analysis is projected to exceed the budget.
- Implication:
Insufficient resources exist to complete a planned iteration of Domain
- Mitigation:
Reduce the current scope.
Seek a change in domain objectives or an increase in the budget for the
increment from Domain Management.
- Contingency:
The Domain Plan cannot be satisfied with available technical capabilities.
- Source:
Domain Management Activity
- Response:
Propose (alternative) revisions to the Domain Plan that better match available
capabilities. Complete a Domain Definition and a Domain Specification that
satisfy the Domain Plan as closely as possible.
- Contingency:
The Domain Implementation does not satisfy the Domain Specification.
- Source:
Domain Implementation Activity
- Response:
Clarify the intent of the Domain Specification.
- Contingency:
The practices and procedures specified in the Domain Plan are either
ineffective or inefficient.
- Source:
Domain Management Activity
- Response:
Describe the ways in which the practices and procedures are either ineffective
or inefficient. Propose revisions to the practices and procedures to make them
more effective.
- Contingency:
Suggestions are made for Domain Specification changes to exploit unforeseen
opportunities. For example, a situation where substantial software is made
available for use in the Domain Implementation that was not available when the
Domain Specification was completed.
- Source:
Domain Implementation Activity
- Response:
Revise the Domain Specification.
Refer to Domain Management for future planning.
Reject the changes due to conflicts with the Domain Definition.
- Contingency:
The Domain Definition and/or Domain Specification fails to provide the
capabilities required by the Domain Plan.
- Source:
Domain Management Activity
- Response:
Evolve the Domain Definition and the Domain Specification to be consistent with
the Domain Plan.
- Contingency:
The Domain Specification is incomplete, ambiguous, or inconsistent.
- Source:
Domain Implementation Activity
- Response:
Revise the Domain Specification to correct the inadequacies.
- Contingency:
The standardized Application Engineering
process is
inefficient or leads
to less-than-ideal results for
a particular project.
- Source:
Project Support Activity
- Response:
Determine that the benefits of
standardization outweigh the interests of the particular project.
Evolve the definition of the Application Engineering
to reflect the project's experience or to be adapted to the particular
conditions of concern.