Synthesis Leveraged Domain Engineering
Domain Implementation is an activity of Domain Engineering for implementing
product and process support for application engineering projects in a business
area. The Domain Implementation must satisfy the Domain Specification created
by Domain Analysis. Product support consists of a set of production procedures
and associated Adaptable Components that can be used to create standardized
work products for members of
product family. Process support consists of procedures, documentation, and,
optionally, automation that define a standard Application Engineering process.
The objectives of the Domain Implementation Activity are to:
Create a set of Adaptable Components and
Generation Procedures as specified in the Product
Create a standardized Application Engineering process as specified in the
Process Requirements
The Domain Implementation Activity requires the following information:
Domain Specification
Legacy Products
The Domain Implementation Activity requires domain and software knowledge and
experience in:
Technologies for creating, adapting, and composing Adaptable Components into
and the verification of such Adaptable Components
Documenting and providing automated support for Application Engineering
How systems in the domain are built and sufficient expertise to create and
document the software for these systems
- Name:
Domain Implementation
- Purpose:
A Domain Implementation contains sets of Adaptable Components and associated
production procedures that you can use to create standardized work products for
members of a product family.
The Domain Implementation also consists of the procedures, documentation, and,
optionally, automation that
define a standard Application Engineering process.
- Content:
A Domain Implementation consists of two components:
Product Implementation.
A Product Implementation contains
an adaptable implementation of a product family
Section DE.3.1).
Process Support.
An application engineering infrastructure that supports the
practice of Application Engineering by defining the procedures and standards by
which application engineers develop applications
Section DE.3.2).
- Verification Criteria:
The Domain Implementation supports
the product family identified in the Domain Specification.
The Domain Implementation Activity consists of the two steps shown in
Figure DE.3-1 Domain Implementation Process
Follow these steps for the Domain Implementation Activity.
Product Implementation
- Action:
Implement a
product family.
- Input:
Domain Specification
Legacy Products
- Result:
Product Implementation
- Heuristics:
Derive the Product Implementation of a
product family from appropriate Legacy Products.
Describe a mechanical procedure by which application engineers can select,
adapt, and compose a
application work product.
Process Support Development
- Action:
Create an application engineering infrastructure to support
the standardized process by which application engineers develop applications.
- Input:
Product Implementation
Domain Specification: Process Requirements
- Result:
Process Support
- Heuristics:
the procedures and standards that application engineers follow to develop
Optionally provide automated mechanisms which support the effective and correct
performance of the
Application Engineering process.
- Contingency:
The Domain Specification is incomplete, ambiguous, or inconsistent.
- Source:
Domain Analysis Activity
- Response:
Describe how the Domain Specification is inadequate and suggest how it may be
modified. Proceed with Domain Implementation as far as possible with the
current Domain Specification.
- Contingency:
Unforeseen opportunities arise that cannot be exploited given the current
Domain Specification, e.g., a situation where substantial software is made
available for use in the Domain Implementation that was not available when the
Domain Specification was completed.
- Source:
Domain Analysis Activity
- Response:
Document the opportunities and the required changes to the Domain
- Contingency:
The Domain Implementation
is incorrect, inconsistent, or incomplete.
- Source:
Domain Verification Activity
- Response:
Request clarification of the intent of the Domain Specification, if necessary.
Modify the Domain Implementation to satisfy the Domain Specification.
- Contingency:
The support for the Application Engineering process is inefficient.
- Source:
- Project Support Activity
- Response:
Revise the Domain Implementation based on Application Engineering experience.